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  • Aduki Beans, organic, 15 oz

    Aduki Beans, organic, 15 oz

    U.S. organic family EDEN Aduki (adzuki) beans Vigna angularis are soaked overnight, and pressure cooked with no chemical additives at Eden Foods’ organic, kosher cannery. Aduki beans are highly regarded in macrobiotics and adaptable to any cuisine...

    $3.42 - $38.17
  • Aduki Beans, Organic, Dry - 25 lb

    Aduki Beans, Organic, Dry - 25 lb

    Eden selected dried small red beans with their distinctive white hilum, U.S.A. family organically grown in mineral rich, vital soil. Mild, sweet and the easiest bean to digest. A highly regarded macrobiotic staple food; strengthening and balancing...

  • Agar Agar Bars, Sea Vegetable

    Agar Agar Bars, Sea Vegetable

    A traditional odorless, tasteless, sea vegetable gelatin comprised of eight varieties. Prepared and naturally freeze dried in the mountains using only winter freezes and thaws. Used in vegetarian 'gelatin' treats and in vegetable or fruit aspics,...

    $9.22 - $51.45
  • Agar Agar Flakes, Sea Vegetable

    Agar Agar Flakes, Sea Vegetable

    A traditional odorless, tasteless seaweed gelatin substitute. Easy to use flakes ideal for pie fillings, jellies, preserves, kanten, custards, and vegetable or fruit aspics. Wild, hand harvested sea vegetables with strong thickening properties are...

    $11.28 - $62.94
  • Almonds, Organic - 1 lb

    Almonds, Organic - 1 lb

    U.S.A. California family organically grown. These almonds are rare in that they are not chemically pasteurized. Rich tasting and perfectly roasted with their nutritious skins intact. A beneficial delicious snack. Ideal for cooking and baking too. Rich in...

  • Apple Butter Spread, Organic

    Apple Butter Spread, Organic

    A blend of family orchard Great Lakes' organic Apple varieties, over four pounds to a jar. Hand sorted, washed, peeled, cored, chopped, and slowly kettle simmered with a bit of organic apple juice concentrate to 30 Brix. A tangy sweet spread that makes...

    $11.45 - $127.78
  • Apple Butter Tote

    Apple Butter Tote

    Organic Apple and Apple Cherry Butter to enjoy and share. Enjoy and share the deliciously sweet tart benefits of organic, kettle cooked Michigan fruit. A timely and pleasing gift in a handy canvas bag that's great for lunches and snacks. Deliciously pure...

  • Apple Cherry Butter Spread, Organic

    Apple Cherry Butter Spread, Organic

    A blend of Michigan family orchard organic Apples and organic Montmorency Tart Cherries slowly kettle simmered with a bit of organic apple juice concentrate. Over four pounds of fruit in each jar - 84% apples, 16% tart cherries. Vegetarian Times 2010...

    $11.74 - $131.02
  • Apple Sauce Sampler, Organic

    Apple Sauce Sampler, Organic

    Variety is the spice of life, so enjoy our four delicious organic fruit sauces. We prepare sauce the old fashioned way with no short cuts, refined sweeteners, artificial colors, or preservatives. Just simply delicious, good for you fruit cooked to...

  • Apple Sauce, Organic

    Apple Sauce, Organic

    Taster's Choice Hall of Fame inductee noted for a "very good sweet-tart balance." A blend of family orchard Great Lakes Apples, over one and a half pounds per jar. No sugar or anything else ever added. A delicious, good for you dessert or snack anytime,...

    $7.87 - $87.83
  • Arame, Sea Vegetable

    Arame, Sea Vegetable

    Wild, hand harvested, shredded, cooked, and sun-dried. Add to sautéed vegetables, salads, grain and tofu burgers, and baked goods. Sweeter and milder than its cousin hiziki. Good source of beneficial fiber. Low fat and low sodium. MORE...

    $16.96 - $94.64
  • Arame, Sea Vegetable - 2.2 lb

    Arame, Sea Vegetable - 2.2 lb

    Wild, hand harvested, shredded, cooked, and sun-dried. Add to sautéed vegetables, salads, tofu and grain patties, and baked goods. Sweeter and milder than its cousin hiziki, aka hijiki. Good source of beneficial fiber. Fat free and low sodium...

  • Basil, Organic

    Basil, Organic

    Basil Ocimum basilicum or St. Joseph's Wort is from dried leaves and stems of an herb native to the India, Asia, and Mediterranean. This aromatic, slightly pungent sweet basil variety is a must for flavoring Italian dishes, especially tomato sauces and...

  • Bay Leaf Powder, Organic

    Bay Leaf Powder, Organic

    Bay Leaf Powder Laurus nobilis is dried, ground leaves of sweet bay laurel, an evergreen tree native to Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Bay laurel is a symbol of honor. This mildly sweet, floral spice is used in soup, stew, sweet white sauce,...

  • Bifun (Rice) Pasta

    Bifun (Rice) Pasta

    Thin translucent noodles of 100% steamed rice. They cook in just two minutes. For light summer salads, nice in soups and pan-fried noodle dishes, stir-fries, etc. Delicious seasoned with Eden Ponzu or with Eden Soy Sauce, a dash of Eden Brown Rice...

    $5.99 - $66.85
  • Black & Tan Gomasio - Sesame Salt, Organic

    Black & Tan Gomasio - Sesame Salt, Organic

    Delicious Black and Tan organic sesame salt. Dry roasted sesame seed ground with Eden sea salt. Tasty and nutritious. Sprinkle on grain, pasta, vegetables, salad, popcorn, corn-on-the-cob, or any dish. Eastern cultures do not put straight salt on food...

    $5.43 - $60.60
  • Black Bean & Quinoa Chili - 14.5 oz

    Black Bean & Quinoa Chili - 14.5 oz

    Michigan organic black turtle beans, high altitude organic whole grain quinoa, maitake and shiitake mushrooms, perfectly cooked in a savory, organic chili spiced tomato sauce at Eden Foods’ organic cannery. Grocery Headquarters awarded “Best...

    $4.90 - $54.68
  • Black Bean & Quinoa Chili - 29 oz

    Black Bean & Quinoa Chili - 29 oz

    Michigan organic black turtle beans, high altitude organic whole grain quinoa, maitake and shiitake mushrooms, perfectly cooked in a savory, organic chili spiced tomato sauce at Eden Foods’ organic cannery. Grocery Headquarters awarded “Best...

    $8.73 - $97.43
  • Black Beans, organic, 108 oz

    Black Beans, organic, 108 oz

    U.S. organic family EDEN Black Beans, black turtle beans, are soaked overnight, and pressure cooked with no chemical additives at Eden Foods’ organic, kosher cannery. Creamy, mildly sweet, and versatile black beans are a Mexican staple, and a...

    $16.44 - $91.74
  • Black Beans, organic, 15 oz

    Black Beans, organic, 15 oz

    U.S. organic family EDEN Black Beans, black turtle beans, are soaked overnight, and pressure cooked with no chemical additives at Eden Foods’ organic, kosher cannery. Creamy, mildly sweet, and versatile black beans are a Mexican staple, and a...

    $2.87 - $32.03
  • Black Beans, organic, 29 oz

    Black Beans, organic, 29 oz

    U.S. organic family EDEN Black Beans, black turtle beans, are soaked overnight, and pressure cooked with no chemical additives at Eden Foods’ organic, kosher cannery. Creamy, mildly sweet, and versatile black beans are a Mexican staple, and a...

    $5.18 - $57.81
  • Black Eyed Peas, organic, 15 oz

    Black Eyed Peas, organic, 15 oz

    U.S. organic family EDEN Black Eyed Peas Vigna unguiculata are soaked overnight, and pressure cooked with no chemical additives at Eden Foods’ organic, kosher cannery. A Southern favorite and the base of the classic dish Hoppin’ John. They...

    $3.29 - $36.72
  • Black Eyed Peas, organic, 29 oz

    Black Eyed Peas, organic, 29 oz

    U.S. organic family EDEN Black Eyed Peas Vigna unguiculata are soaked overnight, and pressure cooked with no chemical additives at Eden Foods’ organic, kosher cannery. A Southern favorite and the base of the classic dish Hoppin’ John. They...

    $5.82 - $64.95
  • Black Gomasio (Sesame Salt), Organic

    Black Gomasio (Sesame Salt), Organic

    Whole, dry roasted, ground, organic black sesame seed and Eden sea salt. Eastern cultures do not put straight salt on food. They use condiments like gomasio to better balance and enhance. Sesame's oil is released by roasting, coats the salt and amplifies...

    $5.45 - $60.82